In this scenario we have a file in XML Message Type format as sender that will be converted in a MATMAS.MATMAS05 IDoc as receiver in ECC.

In setup activity are involved several environments: SAP ECC, SAP PI Configuration and Repository, Netweaver Administrator (NWA) and System Landscape Directory (SLD).

Setup ECC side

Here we enable the COMPANY_A partner to receive a MATMAS IDoc.

[BD64] Distribution Model

Distribution model for MATMAS

Distribution model for MATMAS


[WE20] Partner Profile

Partner profile for COMPANY_A

Partner profile for COMPANY_A


Detail for partner profile for COMPANY_A and MATMAS IDoc in inbound

Detail for partner profile for COMPANY_A and MATMAS IDoc in inbound


Setup SAP PI Configuration side

Here we define the channels enabling the protocols to read from a file and to write and send an IDoc to ECC. Furthermore we define the routing from the sender to the receiver and the transformation from the file structure format to the IDoc one.

Configuration scenario overview

Configuration scenario overview

Communication Channel sender

File sender communication channel: Source tab

File sender communication channel: Source tab


Communication Channel name File_to_Idoc_Sender_00_A
Filename file_idoc_00.xml
File sender communication channel: Processing tab

File sender communication channel: Processing tab


File sender communication channel: Advanced tab

File sender communication channel: Advanced tab

Communication Channel receiver

IDoc receiver communication channel

IDoc receiver communication channel

We can set up the ECC references by a destination instead of inside to the channel.

Interface determination

Interface Determination

Interface Determination

Setup Netweaver Administration side


Netweaver Administration Configuration page

Netweaver Administration Configuration page

Netweaver Administration: Destination definition

Netweaver Administration: Destination definition

Defining a destination allow you to ping the destination before to define the communication channel.

Setup Repository side

Message Mapping

Control Record mapping

MT_Material vs MATMAS: control record mapping overview

MT_Material vs MATMAS: control record mapping overview


fileidoc_img13 IDoc type: according on Partner profile
fileidoc_img14 Message type: according on Partner Profile
fileidoc_img15 Sender SAP Port: according on rule: “SAP”+System ID
fileidoc_img16 Sender Partner type: Logical System, according on Partner Profile
fileidoc_img17 Receiver SAP Port: according on rule: “SAP”+System ID
fileidoc_img19 Receiver Partner type: Logical System
fileidoc_img20 Receiver Partner: ECC System ID


Coupling Business System – Logical System

Adapter-Specific Identifiers

Adapter-Specific Identifiers


System Landscape Directory: Business System definition

System Landscape Directory: Business System definition



Fixed-Values table

Fixed-Values table


Conversion from MaterialID to MATNR supported by UDF

Conversion from MaterialID to MATNR supported by UDF  


MT_Material vs MATMAS: payload mapping overview

MT_Material vs MATMAS: payload mapping overview


Operation mapping

Operation mapping